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Hey y’all! 

It’s been a couple weeks! I definitely think I have writers block! If you have a Facebook you should definitely add me, I post lots of pictures and videos for fun! The last couple of weeks have been filled with park clean ups , helping out at the local Remax office and beach cleaning. I have learned how to say a few more things in Spanish, like “come to church”. Not too sure if it comes off in a demanding way or not. Ha! Something really cool we get to do is play volleyball with the Locals. So not only do we get to build relationships with these people we play with, but we also get to do something I love! If you don’t know… I packed a volleyball in my back pack with a pump so I could travel with it and the Lord has definitely used that!  

One of many things the Lord is teaching me is how he speaks to me. Everyone has a different relationship with the Lord, not any two people are the same (thank you God)! The Lord has really shown up in ways I didn’t expect and one of those is through people. I have been battling with discerning what is truth or not and have been asking the Lord to provide that wisdom and knowledge so I can discern what his truth is and he has! Through a couple people on our squad the Lord has blessed me with, we have been able to discuss theological truths. However through this I have learned as well that I am not the best at extending grace. I tend to come off as harsh. I have found that my personality can only be handled by those who aren’t that sensitive or understand where I’m coming from. Giving grace toward others  is also something I didn’t think I needed. But one of God’s greatest attributes is Grace and as believers we are to show grace towards others. So not only has the Lord answered my prayers but he has also opened my eyes even more to see that I need to extend Grace to others. God is so cool and constantly at work in my heart. I am excited To learn more about him and share truth with others along the way! 

In a couple weeks we will be heading to Guatemala, I’m ready to see what the Lord will do next! 






3 responses to “Grace Upon Grace”

  1. Thank you for these updates. It’s great to read about what God is doing. So proud of you. Continued prayers.?

  2. I too am learning that I am not the only one the Lord has been gracious with. So because I am remembering His grace poured out on me, even others that I don’t want to have that grace also can receive it from the Lord. It’s a humbling time but grateful there is always room for growth to look more like our Father!