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Thoughts & Inspiration


I was running for a while. Running from what life would be like if I lived it for Christ. Running from losing control of my life. When was I going to learn that Christ is in control of all things whether I wanted to surrender to that truth or not. While living in sin you don’t see it, your eyes are completely shut to the reality of sin and It’s scary realizing that once your spiritual eyes have been opened. Thank you God for opening mine!

As I am growing in my walk with the Lord, I have been working on being available. Whatever the Lord wants of me, my yes is on the table. Isaiah 6:8 says “and I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I am! Send me.’” This verse has always pushed me to put my full trust in the Lord, it has encouraged me to be the hands and feet of Christ, and to go wherever he leads me. 

I have always wanted to do a mission trip, ya know… the one where you go for a week and come home. Turns out the Lord had bigger plans for me. When I came across information on the WR I was kind of scared. Fear had crept in quickly because I knew instantly that this is where the Lord was sending me. When I say fear, I mean that I have a great job that many people would love to have, I own a house at the age of 23, I am stable and safe… living the “american dream”!  As I was learning more about the WR, I was also studying and reading books about giving up all the temporary things this life offers and following the Lord. At this point I was ready to sell my house and jump right into it and I haven’t turned back. Christ has been teaching me in this season of my life that everything is temporary, my job, my house, and even earthly relationships. The only thing that matters is the good news. That Christ died for a sinner like me so that I could live out a life fully focused on him and his will. 

I am excited to see the Lord work in the lives of my team and myself. As we prepare for the WR, please be in prayer for the countries that we will visit and the lives that we will be able to impact along the way. We have a loving God! I am beyond thankful for all your support! To stay updated with my journey subscribe to this page! 

Love always,
