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Hi! My name is Cayce and this is my first blog ever!!



So a little bit about me! I am 23 years old and I am currently coaching volleyball at Catawba College which is right out of Charlotte! I didn’t know this was something I would be doing after college but I knew I was good at it so I pursued it! 

I grew up in a little town outside of Raleigh, NC called Creedmoor! I have wonderful parents Mike and Debbie bell. I also have an older brother, Chris and and older sister, Cayla!

The Lord started to really put on my heart back in February to pursue missions. At first this was intimidating to me. I was safe where I was at, I have a great job, I own a house, why would I give all that up? The Lord kept stirring in my heart that this is something that I should pursue. So I looked into going on a trip for a week to New York. However the Lord shut that door immediately. I then asked around and talk to someone I knew that was involved with the World Race. I was instantly intrigued, but 11 months? The Lord kept working in my heart and I knew this was it. I then told the Lord, I’m ready to give it all up to do missions. So now I am currently writing a blog to prepare for the World Race!

 I am excited to see what the Lord will do through my team and I as we embark on this Journey to share the Gospel! I have always enjoyed serving others so this race is right up my ally! Anyone who is willing to partner with me through out all of this, either financially or prayerfully, it is more than appreciated!

 Thank you for all your support and if you would like to receive updates along side of my Journey you can subscribe to my page!!


Love always,



One response to “About Me”

  1. Cayce,
    You are a wonderful person inside and out! I know you can make a difference in this world!
    Love, Sean